April 5th - is Gold Star Wives Day.

Designating April 5, 2016, as ‘‘Gold Star Wives Day’’.
- RES. 413
APRIL 5, 2016
Mr. BURR (for himself, Mrs. BOXER, and Mr. HELLER) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to
Designating April 5, 2016, as ‘‘Gold Star Wives Day’’.
Whereas the Senate honors the sacrifices made by the spouses and families of the fallen members of the Armed Forces of the United States;
Whereas Gold Star Wives of America, Inc. represents the spouses and families of the members and veterans of the Armed Forces of the United States who have died on active duty or as a result of a service-connected disability;
Whereas the primary mission of Gold Star Wives of America, Inc. is to provide services, support, and friendship to the spouses of the fallen members and veterans of the Armed Forces of the United States;
Whereas in 1945, Gold Star Wives of America, Inc. was organized with the help of Eleanor Roosevelt to assist the
The Senate, (1) designates April 5, 2016, as ‘‘Gold Star Wives Day’’; to show honors and recognizes the contributions of the members of Gold Star Wives of America, Inc.; and the dedication of the members of Gold Star Wives of America, Inc. to the members and veterans of the Armed Forces of the United States; and encourages the people of the United States to observe Gold Star Wives Day to promote awareness of the contributions and dedication of the members of Gold Star Wives of America, Inc.
Whereas the first meeting of Gold Star Wives of America, Inc. was held on April 5, 1945;
Whereas April 5, 2017, marks the 72nd anniversary of the first meeting of Gold Star Wives of America, Inc.;
Whereas the members and veterans of the Armed Forces of the United States bear the burden of protecting the freedom of the people of the United States; and
Whereas the sacrifices of the families of the fallen members and veterans of the Armed Forces of the United States should never be forgotten: Now, therefore, be it to the members and veterans of the Armed Forces of the United States; and the important role that Gold Star Wives of America, Inc. plays in the lives of the spouses and families of the fallen members and veterans of the Armed Forces of the United States.
See here for complete text:
- Bear PS Heroes